Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Attempt at a Jell-O from 1942

  For my next Jell-O adventure I decided to pick one from the 1942 Good Housekeeping cookbook.  Recently when I was at the store I noticed how beautiful the strawberries looked.  So, since it is strawberry season I picked “Strawberry Cheese Dessert Salad.”  This is one of those recipes that can be a little deceiving.  The recipe is very short and seems very simple, but once you get going you realize it takes a few more steps and equipment than what you originally thought.  The recipe calls for two cups of strawberries cut thinly….a bit time consuming.  

Then it wants the heavy cream whipped, which for me requires getting out the electric mixer because you can bet that I won’t whip that by hand like my great grandmother probably did!  

But other than that it’s a straight forward recipe.  

The only other issue I ran into was the cream cheese addition (and yes, I did use cream cheese instead of cottage cheese).  It was a bit hard to mix it into the other ingredients because it was a lot harder texture and created lumps.
   This recipe called for the addition of a lemon cream dressing.  It also recommended serving the salad on a bed of lettuce.  I decided to make the dressing but I decided the lettuce leaf décor was a little too fifties housewife for me! 
    With the start of this blog I decided I needed to give myself a present.  I bought a couple of molds in order to make pretty Jell-O.  Once the first one arrived I made this salad.  Luckily there were no disasters awaiting me during the making of it.  So I poured the completed mixture into my new wave like mold and placed it in the fridge for the night.
   I decided to unmold it and make the dressing at my parents’ house.  I thought it was fitting to try my salad with my mom since it came from her grandmother’s cookbook.  Again the dressing was a little deceiving, whip the cream again, chill the lemon mixture then fold in the whipped cream.

  I also ran into problems unmolding the Jell-O.  It took sliding a knife around the sides and dipping the mold in warm water twice.  So, when it finally did plop out it was pretty runny.  After I chilled it for a while it was still runny.  I wonder if the cream and the cream cheese made the texture thin.  (Again, I have a problem with the texture!!)
So I sliced it, added a dollop of the dressing, and served it to my mom and me.  We both thought it was wonderful!!  Adding the cream dressing to the creamy Jell-O was a bit indulgent and not quite necessary, but it tasted fine.  I then took some to my boyfriend and he enjoyed it too!  So this one is quite a success!  My recommendation is to make the lemon dressing but I would just serve that with plain fruit.  I think this “salad” is a great dessert alternative!

I would give Strawberry Cheese Dessert Salad 4 out of 4 stars!!
The recipe follows

Strawberry Cheese Dessert Salad
From The Good Housekeeping Cook Book ©1942

2 C. Hulled, washed Strawberries
6 T. Granulated Sugar
1 Envelope plain, unflavored gelatin (1 T.)
¼ C. Cold Water
¼ C. boiling water
1 T. lemon juice
¼ t. Salt
¾ c. canned crushed pineapple, undrained
6 oz. pkg. cream cheese or 2/3 C. cottage cheese
½ c. heavy cream, whipped
24 hulled, washed whole strawberries
Lemon Cream Dressing (recipe follows)

Cut the 2 c. strawberries into thin crosswise slices and add the sugar.  Soak the gelatin in the cold water 5 min, then add the boiling water and stir until the gelatin is dissolved.  Add lemon juice, salt, pineapple, and sugared berries.  Chill until it begins to thicken, then add cheese and beat with egg beater until well mixed.  Fold in the cream and turn into a 2 qt. mold which has been rinsed in cold water.  Chill until firm, then unmold on lettuce, garnish with whole strawberries and serve with Lemon Cream Dressing.

Lemon Cream Dressing

3 T. Lemon Juice
3 T. granulated sugar
1 egg, well-beaten
1 c. heavy cream, whipped

Combine lemon juice, sugar, and egg in double boiler and cook over hot, not boiling, water until thick.  Chill and combine with the whipped cream.  Serve with fruit salads.  Serves 6-8.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Apricot Disaster?

I decided for my first attempt at Jell-O to try one from the Taste of Home website.  I also decided to make this for a pot luck luncheon at my work.  When picking this recipe I decided to look at the ingredients list rather than the directions.  I thought orange Jell-O with 7-up sounded light, and then with the addition of apricots it would add interest and texture.  

As I was making it I looked at the directions, and in step 2 I saw that I needed to blend the apricots and the orange juice concentrate, so there goes the texture.  

Then when I added the 7-up as the last ingredient the mixture foamed up and I freaked out that my kitchen would soon be immersed in orange sticky goo. 

Fortunately that did not happen.  I mixed it all together, put it in a plain deep bowl and covered in plastic wrap.  I put it in the refrigerator while thinking good thoughts of the firm Jell-O that would await me in the morning.  When I woke, I was like a child at Christmas, I couldn’t wait to open the fridge and see the wonderful Jell-O that was waiting there.   I took out the bowl and shook it.  The Jell-O was not very firm and moved away from the sides of the bowl.  Since I was taking it to work I decided to unmold it on a disposable plastic plate.  I inverted it and didn’t hear the sound of the Jell-O unmolding.  I shook the bowl a little and finally heard a schlop (not a nice little plop, but a schlop).   I was very scared to lift the bowl and see what was there.  The mold had plopped down and spread out a bit and there was a little indent in the side of it.  I was very glad that I used a plain bowl rather than a decorative one, because I believe the Jell-O would have just spread out into a smooth surface. 

 I then wrapped the whole thing in plastic wrap then foil.  I placed it on the floor of the passenger side of my car.  Every two minutes of my 30 minute commute to work I looked down at the Jell-O hoping I wouldn’t see orange goo seeping into my car.  I finally got to work without any seepage and placed it on the banquet table.  I quickly ran from the room hoping no one would blame me for the runny Jell-O. 
When it was my turn for lunch I checked out the Jell-O and a few people actually tried it.  I saw it on one coworker’s plate and told them I made it and asked how it was. I got a glowing review!  I then had several other coworkers try it and got more glowing reviews!!  I was even asked for the recipe by not 1 or 2 but 5 different people!!  Most of the staff thought it was very good and that it complemented our Italian feast nicely!  I of course told them that was my intention and I had planned it that way all along!  Although inside I was just glad that I wasn’t chased out of the building for the crazy apricot concoction!  I finally tried it myself and I thought the texture was a bit strange, not completely firm.  It was very tangy due to the orange juice concentrate.  But, for the most part it was very good and very refreshing!  

First attempt I will mark with 3 out of 4 stars! 

The following link is the recipe:

Now, what to try next……am I brave enough for Jell-O with meat in it?   You’ll have to check back soon to see the answer to that!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Welcome to my experiment!!

     My name is Lindsey and I live in Kansas City.  I inherited my grandmother and great grandmother's cookbooks.  Unfortunately it is a very small collection, it basically consists of Better Homes and Gardens and Good Housekeeping.  But, the interesting thing is that the earliest one was published in 1941. 
      As I was looking through these three books and a few supplements, I noticed that food trends have definitely changed. The thing that peaked my curiosity and slightly scared me was the use of gelatin. Molded chicken salad, molded tuna salad, cherry jello with cherries and green olives.  I have decided to try some recipes not only from these cookbooks but newer ones and ones that I have found on the web.  (Some of the old fashioned ones I am not going to attempt for fear of hospitalization!)
      So now my little experiment of savory and sweet jello concoctions is to be a blog.  This way I can share recipes, ideas, history, and hopefully get some feedback and recipes in return.
      As I am sitting here writing there is jello in my refrigerator firming up.  Tomorrow is the monthly staff luncheon at my work.  I am starting my experiment now with a recipe I found on the Taste of home website  This gelatin consists of canned apricots, orange juice concentrate, orange jello, and lemon/lime soda.  After I have tasted it I will post my review and pictures.
     So here's to jello and I apologize in advance to friends and family for all the jello they are going to be forced to consume from now on!