Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Welcome to my experiment!!

     My name is Lindsey and I live in Kansas City.  I inherited my grandmother and great grandmother's cookbooks.  Unfortunately it is a very small collection, it basically consists of Better Homes and Gardens and Good Housekeeping.  But, the interesting thing is that the earliest one was published in 1941. 
      As I was looking through these three books and a few supplements, I noticed that food trends have definitely changed. The thing that peaked my curiosity and slightly scared me was the use of gelatin. Molded chicken salad, molded tuna salad, cherry jello with cherries and green olives.  I have decided to try some recipes not only from these cookbooks but newer ones and ones that I have found on the web.  (Some of the old fashioned ones I am not going to attempt for fear of hospitalization!)
      So now my little experiment of savory and sweet jello concoctions is to be a blog.  This way I can share recipes, ideas, history, and hopefully get some feedback and recipes in return.
      As I am sitting here writing there is jello in my refrigerator firming up.  Tomorrow is the monthly staff luncheon at my work.  I am starting my experiment now with a recipe I found on the Taste of home website http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/Apricot-Orange-Gelatin-Salad-.  This gelatin consists of canned apricots, orange juice concentrate, orange jello, and lemon/lime soda.  After I have tasted it I will post my review and pictures.
     So here's to jello and I apologize in advance to friends and family for all the jello they are going to be forced to consume from now on!


  1. Have no fear Lindsay. You know what they say.. There's always room for jello. Kinda like friends. You meet a new one and can't imagine your life without your new friend. In this case here's hoping that we all find that new jello dish that becomes part of our family dinners and memories.
    Tried your orange apricot jello and I found it to be tangy and yummy. Thanks Lindsay.

    1. Thanks for reading and posting Nadine! I just posted the blog about the apricot jello, check it out!

  2. I'm loving this Lindsay! What a fun way to bring a little part of your family history back into present day life. I'm sure there are some tasty treasures awaiting us all. I can't wait to see more! Your grandmothers and great grandmothers must be so proud! Hooray for Jello!
